About me

Hello, my name is Luka Matić and I'm a Software Engineer based in Novi Sad, Serbia.

Problem solving is what drives me each day - I always enjoyed maths and physics at school and later on I wanted to figure out how do video games work and while I was investigating that I fell in love with coding at the age of 16 because it was the coolest problem solving activity that I have ever seen. I like how software helps people in everyday activities and I love that feeling of being proud when you build something that someone else enjoys using.

I've graduated at Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, where I've got a Bachelors degree in Computer Science. Throughout my studies I've mostly learned about web development and devops, but I have also worked on some personal projects related to web apps, mobile apps and video games through which I've gained extensive experience and knowledge beyond what I've learned in university.

In my third year at university, I completed an internship at Bushido where I have built a web applicaton called Postbook - a social network similar to Twitter using ReactJS, TailwindCSS, NestJS, PostgreSQL and AWS S3.

Few months after finishing my internship, I got a job at Bushido. Throughout my time at Bushido I worked as a Full Stack Developer on multiple projects with focus on serverless and blockchain tecnologies such as Cachepay - a Danish crypto payment system which allows E-Commerce sellers to recieve money in fiat currency even when customers pay using crypto. Working on serverless apps got me introduced to the Serverless Stack Toolkit (SST) and AWS services such as API Gateway, Lambda, Cognito, DynamoDB, S3, SQS. Other projects at Bushido include: Shovel - a time-blocking study planner for crushing college, CatBlox - multiple NFT projects for different CatBlox NFT collections and Inimitable - NFT marketplace.

After a year spent at Bushido, I decided to get into freelancing and I started my own agency - Mahadeva Tech. My goal is to work on serverless applications and learn as much as possible about cloud and serverless, because I see it as a great opportunity to build software in a relatively new and modern architecture which in my opinion has a bright future. I want to help serverless ecosystem grow and overcome current issues. I have also started writing articles which are mostly related to serverless, cloud and devops.


Besides coding, I enjoy playing basketball and guitar :)

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+381 63 574 703
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